Owner-Members, please join us to hear about the year in review and the bright future for your co-op!

Friday, October 25th, from 6–8pm
308 W 4th St, Bloomington, IN 47404

Enjoy a variety of appetizers & drinks, live music by Steve Mascari & Lewis Rogers, a costume contest, and an opportunity to learn more about the 2025 Positive Change candidates!

Whether you’re channeling a classic monster, a beloved character, or your own unique creation, this is your chance to shine. Show off your costume skills and compete for Bfoods gift cards, bragging rights, and, of course, the title of Best Costume! Everyone in attendance will have the opportunity to vote and the 1st ($100 Bfoods gift card), 2nd ($75 Bfoods gift card), and 3rd place ($50 Bfoods gift card) winners will be announced at the end of the meeting.

Bloomingfoods Board of Directors will also be announcing the 2024 Annual Bill Krejci Memorial Award recipient, and this will be your last opportunity to vote in person for the Four open seats for the Board of Directors, 2025 Positive Change candidates, and a proposed bylaw change to Article 4.3 Terms & Elections.

6:00 - Sign in, enjoy food, drinks & live music, mingle, costume contest & VOTE!
7:00 - Welcome
7:10 - Financial Report & highlights from the Annual Report
7:20 - GM Report, Store Updates, & Staff Longevity
7:30 - Krejci Award Winner
7:40 - Callout to Join Committees, Costume Contest Winners & Closing

The first 50 Owner-Members to RSVP will receive Bfoods branded merch upon arrival/check-in at the Boo Bash & Annual meeting!

RSVP by Friday, October 18th, by completing the form below (You must be an Owner-Member to attend this Meeting and anyone in your party should be a secondary member on your account):

Make your voice heard AND vote for Four open Board seats, 2025 Positive Change Candidates, & a proposed bylaw change!

Voting opens Wednesday, September 25th, and closes Friday, October 25th, at midnight!