2025 EarthFest
April 22nd – May 10th
Join us as we celebrate Earth Day & Fair Trade Day!
Thank you for working with us to encourage everyone to make every day Earth Day and to create a higher demand for sustainable and ethically sourced goods!
Help us get the word out and share our flyer!
One lucky winner will win a large Fair Trade basket filled with Fair Trade, local and environmentally friendly products!
One lucky winner will win a brand new bike! This bike giveaway is in partnership with one of our Community Partners, Revolution Bike & Bean!
Accepting entries April 22nd-May 10th!
Visit our giveaway page or click the button below for the rules, terms & conditions!
HoosierA1Vintage will have a VINTAGE CLOTHING POP-UP at our Near West Store from 1-3pm!
HoosierA1Vintage mission is to sell high-quality clothes at an affordable price. They love Bloomignfoods and are beyond excited for EarthFest!
Since its inception in 2019, HoosierA1 has been steadfast in offering a wide array of vintage merchandise. Whether you're in search of a rare historical find or simply looking for the perfect gameday attire, HoosierA1 has got you covered. They take great pride in curating unique pieces that celebrate the rich legacy of Indiana University, and it’s their mission to share that passion with our community.
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION ACTIVITES led by local organizations from 12-6pm at both stores!
East Store:
12-2pm: Sustainable Bloomington
Near West Store:
More about the local organizations and their environmental education activity:
The City of Bloomington Department of Economic and Sustainable Development–Sustainable Bloomington focuses on upholding the City's commitment to reaching a carbon-neutral Bloomington by investing in greenhouse gas emissions reductions throughout the community. ESD will host a guessing game asking visitors about emissions sources and renewable energy sources in Bloomington.
The Lake Monroe Water Fund develops and invests resources into watershed projects that conserve, protect, and sustain Lake Monroe as our sole drinking water source, critical wildlife habitat, regional economic driver, and key recreational destination. We will be demonstrating healthy vs. unhealthy soil and how it relates to water quality, as well as a native plant activity.
Indiana Forest Alliance (IFA) works to preserve and restore Indiana's native hardwood forests through scientific research and advocacy, highlighting their rich biodiversity and securing policies for their protection. Join us for an interactive activity where patrons explore a map of Indiana’s forests, learn about threats from IFA reps, mark areas of concern with stickers, and take action by drawing a card with a meaningful conservation step.
CanopyBloomington is a local Bloomington nonprofit whose mission is to grow and sustainably manage Bloomington’s urban forest while focusing on tree equity and community engagement. Join us at EarthFest as we learn about tree identification and do an un-beLEAFable educational activity!
Monroe County-Identify & Reduce Invasive Species (MC-IRIS) works to reduce the impact of invasive species in Monroe County through education and action. Challenge yourself to see if you can ID invasive plants of our area and win a deck of invasive species cards or a boot brush!
DOUBLE your Bloomingfoods for Earth stamps all day! Limit 10 stamps. Our Bloomingfoods for Earth rewards cards are available at our registers for anyone to take advantage of; you do not need to be an Owner-Member to have a rewards card!
GET 20% OFF BULK when you bring your own reusable container – April 22nd & 23rd! Don’t have one? We've got you covered - purchase a branded Bfoods bulk bag or reusable container and still receive 20% off! Excludes special orders and cannot be combined with other basket coupons.
Not sure how to use our bulk section? We still got you! Visit our Make Every Day Earth Day page to learn how to buy bulk items at our stores!
Sycamore Land Trust Native Tree Giveaway from 10am-2pm at both of our stores (rain or shine)! One free tree seedling per person while supplies last.
American Plum•Black Cherry•Blackgum•Chinkapin Oak•Elderberry•Gray Dogwood•Hazelnut•Silky Dogwood•Paw Paw•Persimmon•Red Oak•Shagbark Hickory•Washington Hawthorn•White Oak
Tree seedlings from Indiana Department of Natural Resources Vallonia Tree Seedling Nursery.
Help plant over 600 trees in our community. Learn more at www.sycamorelandtrust.org/free-trees.
Friday, MAy 2nd
The Need to GROW presented by the Buskirk-Chumley Theater (BCT) & Bloomingfoods at BCT from 7-9pm!
This is a FREE & UNTICKETED event!
Doors open at 6:30pm, and there will be a remote 30-minute Q&A with the Director, Rob Herring, after the movie around 8:30pm.
With an estimated 60 years of farmable soil left on Earth, The Need To GROW offers an intimate look into the hearts of activists and innovators in the food movement - an 8-year-old girl challenges the ethics of a beloved organization - a renegade farmer struggles to keep his land as he revolutionizes resource efficient agriculture - and an accomplished visionary inventor faces catastrophe in the midst of developing a game-changing soil regeneration technology.
The Need To GROW delivers alarming evidence on the importance of healthy soil, revealing not only the potential of localized food production working with nature but our opportunity as individuals to help regenerate our planet’s dying soils and participate in the restoration of the Earth.
Winner - Best Documentary - Sonoma International Film Festival
Winner - Best Documentary - Beaufort International Film Festival
Winner - Best Documentary, Audience Award - Edmonton International Film Festival
Winner - Best Environmental Film - Sedona International Film Festival
Winner - Award of Excellence - Impact Docs Awards
Winner - Environmental Voice Arts Award, Rosario Dawson - Society of Voice Arts and Sciences
Winner - Roy W. Dean Grant - From The Heart Productions
Join us for a LOCAL FARM TOUR at Poole Mill Produce from 3-5pm! They will show the process of the growth of their vegetables from start to harvest, including hydroponic lettuce!
There is a 12-person limit. RSVP is required by Monday, April 28th!
Saturday, MAY 10th – Happy Fair Trade Day!!!
Sycamore Land Trust Spring Plant Sale will be at our East Store from 9am-2pm. Proceeds from the sale will be used to support their Native Plant Nursery where they grow native plants for their many land restoration projects in South Central Indiana.
They will offer native plants that thrive in a garden setting and that provide vital habitat and food for our pollinators, birds and small mammals. Please stop by and chat with them about adding more native plants to your backyard in support of wildlife.
Should it rain, the plant sale will be held on Saturday, May 17th.
A pot return area will be available at our East Store through June.
In celebration of Bike Month, Revolution Bike & Bean will have a Pop-up Bike Repair Shop offering free minor repairs at our Near West Store from 10am-1pm! They will be located right off the B-Line at our Near West Store.
Plant a Sunflower Seed outside our East Store from 2-4pm in memory of or with your mom or mother figure at our East store for Mother’s Day! While supplies and space to plant seeds last!
20 % OFF all Fair Trade products on Fair Trade Day! Excludes special orders and cannot be combined with other basket coupons.
Everyone deserves to be treated fairly.
Why you should buy Fairtrade products:
To show your support for farmers and workers, who work to build a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities.
For farmers’ & workers’ human rights, such as safety, housing and education.
Fairtrade supports workers’ rights to trade unions and collective bargaining, as well as democratic decision-making at the producer level
Fairtrade tackles the root causes of biodiversity loss in many ways – from training farmers to setting standards for sustainable supply chains, and lobbying governments and corporations.
To create a demand for goods that were purchased on fair trade terms and telling companies that sustainable and ethical sourcing is important to you.
To show that you prioritize the people and places behind your food.
Because it is the right thing to do, and your choices matter — little changes can make a big impact.
For more information about Fairtrade, please visit www.fairtradeamerica.org.
during EarthFest, Both of our stores will have an endcap with fair trade products so that it is easier for you to locate them in our stores.
Shopping local benefits our environment!
Once upon a time, ALL shopping and buying was local, resulting in tight sustainable communities where citizens supported their local small businesses, restaurants and farms. Our great grandparents ate the fruits that were produced on trees in their own state and filled the table with vegetables grown, if not in their own garden, in their own town. Today, our world has become so global and interconnected, and we have the ability to get anything anywhere, but it also comes at a price. Our vast distribution network of trucks, trains and airlines is polluting the environment. Our local businesses struggle to compete with national chains. There is no better time than NOW to shift the tide and buy more local products from your friends and neighbors! *Source: Green Business Bureau
Buying local, organic, and fair trade all share a similar vision — getting you, as a consumer and/or producer, to think not just about what you purchase and produce, but how products come to us.
These shared values include a desire to:
Implement sustainable farming practices.
Avoid large corporate intermediaries.
Know who grew the food.
A connectedness or transparency.
Buy directly, or at least more directly to get more of the purchase price back to the producer.