Donation & Sponsorship Requests
We are committed to supporting and investing in sustainable growth opportunities in our vibrant community.
The Cooperative gives consideration to nonsectarian, nonpartisan organizations and events that reflect our cooperative principles. We give preference to organizations and events whose mission and activities are equitable and meet one or more of the following criteria:
Focus in areas of health & wellness, local, organic, and sustainable food efforts, farmland preservation, the environment, and programs that support the education, health, and well-being of the people in our community.
501(c)(3) Non-profit entities.
Organizations and events seeking to provide no-cost resources to the community.
Organizations and events that serve our local Bloomington area directly with our donation.
Other guidelines:
A completed donation/sponsorship request form must be received 60 days prior to your event/need date in order to be considered. All applications are reviewed once a month and on a first-come, first-served basis. While we understand your request is important to you, please refrain from calling for follow-up. Due to limited donation/sponsoship budgets, early submission of your application is recommended.
Only one donation/sponsorship per year will be made to any given organization. Please plan appropriately and decide when it is best to request a donation from Bloomingfoods.
Please keep in mind that we receive donations/sponsorship requests nearly daily. We try to help as many organizations as possible with our monthly donations/sponsorship budget. This generally means small donations in the form of co-op gift cards. These can be used as prizes, silent auction items, or to purchase food or other items for the event. Occasionally we are able to fill requests for donated products, and/or prepared deli foods. Please determine food types and quantities you are seeking prior to requesting food donations.
Past support of an organization or event is not a guarantee of future support.
To be considered please fill out the form below and if you have any questions please email Rachel Veronesi, Marketing & Communications Manager, at
*If you are looking for information about ticket sales, please click the button below.