by joining the co-op, i agree to these TERMS AND CONDITIONS:
I agree to the purchase of a Capital Certificate of Bloomington Cooperative Services, Inc. (“BCS”) at the current subscription rate,and assume the rights, privileges, and responsibilities as specified in the corporation’s bylaws.
I agree that only persons living in my household will use this membership.
I certify that I am at least 18 years of age.
I understand that the “Legal Member of Record” is the person to whom all official co-op mailings are addressed, who is the official voting member in all co-op elections, and who receives any and all monies potentially disbursed, including patronage rebates and a refund of equity.
I understand that full rights of membership are granted upon full payment. Payment is to be completed within one year of the date below. If payment is not complete by then, all monies paid toward the purchase may be refunded, minus a $16 service charge.
If I do not make a purchase for three or more years, and if I do not request a refund of my membership equity, and if I do not provide the cooperative with my current address for three consecutive years, my membership may be canceled and my membership equity donated to BCS.
I understand that this application for membership is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and that my membership is subject to the Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of BCS.
I understand that should I move or decide to leave the co-op, my equity is fully refundable, however, the co-op reserves the right to withhold refunds to protect its financial viability.