Susan Kornblum

Susan Kornblum

  • Over many years and through many stages of life, I have been the beneficiary of Bloomingfoods' presence in our community. It's time to emerge from post-retirement hibernation and help out.

  • Member-owner (and often working member) of Bloomingfoods since around its inception (1976) and more or less continuously since. BCS Board member 2000-2006. Employee at East Store (wrangling groceries & driving the van) 2005-2017. Union (UFCW) negotiating committee 2015. And - I shop there a lot!

  • In addition to my Bloomingfoods involvement (see above), I was a member of the Wounded Knee Legal Defense/Offense Committee's Evidence Collective (St Paul MN, 1973-74), and of the Helmsburg Elementary PTO, 1997-2004.

  • My working life has consisted of a diverse series of largely-hourly jobs in a variety of situations and locations; the broad range of experiences lends itself to useful insights and perspectives.

  • Bloomingfoods' stated Ends are commonsensical to me, reflecting my own basic values, including conservation, fairness, and care for each another, as well as the imperative of access to healthy food and knowledge for all.

  • Bloomingfoods is an important vector for South Central Indiana's access to, and true information about, safe and nutritious foods.

  • These are strange and challenging times, from the local to the planetary, and less certain than any I've known. Collective good judgement is required. Honesty & integrity & respect must guide us. Bigger isn't always better. We mustn't lose our way.

  • The past several years, Bloomingfoods has been rebounding from financial near-disaster. Also, the East store is about to find itself in a whole new neighborhood. It's an exciting time to be involved.