Gallery B at Bloomingfoods Near West

in-between Language
by Sarah deweese
july - september 2024

Exhibition statement:

Sarah DeWeese’s abstract stencil paintings focus on the formation of thoughts and concepts that are beyond vocabulary. Her paintings represent the formation of new ideas and moments before they are translated into language, that are somewhere “in-between” — ideas that can’t be put into words, and only exist as they come and go, in a meditative state, in music, or in dreams.

DeWeese’s art conveys the optimism in new connections and new combinations of ideas that haven’t been formed yet. In her pieces that incorporate abstracted letterforms, she hopes to evoke many possibilities of meaning beyond literal translation. What is most important to her is to create art that invites viewers to experience their own abstract thoughts.

Her latest pieces included in this exhibit are inspired by the natural world and our own human nature. These pieces focus on our biochemistry, our internal and external habitats, and the possibilities for becoming better humans by only eating plants.


“Building Strength from the Interior: Cross Section of a Coronary Artery” by Sarah DeWeese

Artist Bio:

Sarah DeWeese is a Bloomington, Indiana based artist. She draws, cuts, and prints original multi-layered stencil designs in multiple iterations of each design, so each print is one-of-a-kind. 

She developed an interest in abstracting letterforms in the BFA Graphic Design program at Indiana University, where she learned letterpress and typeface design. She earned her Master of Fine Arts – Graphic Design from Indiana State University. 

Her profession in marketing and communications inversely influences her art. In contrast, her painting embraces abstract ideas and unformed thoughts, letting them stay that way. 

DeWeese’s pieces can be purchased at Please contact the artist to coordinate a purchase.

Find other versions of these paintings and others at


First Friday Gallery Walk - July 5th, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

First Friday Gallery Walk - August 2nd, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

First Friday Gallery Walk - September 6th, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Gallery B inside Bloomingfoods Near West shows local and regional artists that work across diverse mediums. We believe that supporting and collaborating with artists enhances our community while also furthering our cooperative values. Gallery B holds quarterly exhibitions and participate in monthly First Friday gallery walks. We are proud members of the Bloomington Gallery Walk.


Are you an artist who would like to be considered for a future showing? Fill out the application and agree to the guidelines below to get started. Bloomingfoods currently assigns gallery space on a quarterly basis.

In order for your application to be considered, please fill out the form below. If you do not have a portfolio online, please email 10-15 photos of work to If you have already been a Gallery B artist, you are welcome to reapply after two years. We review submissions quarterly and will respond accordingly.