Tamara Loewenthal
I love the value and food options that Bloomingfoods provides to our community, and I want to ensure that the Co-op thrives. I’d like to see the Co-op connect more deeply with its member-owners, to increase their investment and participation.
I’ve been a member of Bloomingfoods for the past 30 years. I’ve volunteered as a bagger for past Co-op tent sales and collaborated with Bloomingfoods to sell tickets to events, as well as coordinated pin sales for Lotus. I’ve shopped at co-ops in other cities, seeing how they operate.
I was born into and grew up in an intentional community. In my adult life, I’ve volunteered as a board member for Lotus (past) and for Bloomington Old Time Music & Dance Group (present); serve as performance coordinator for Ritmos Latinos Indiana; been a garden leader for Butler Community Gardens.
My previous board experiences and leading the Lotus Volunteer team for 11 years has taught me to work collaboratively with others. My extensive experience with contracting artists has helped me understand the nuances of negotiation. My experience with growing my own food contributes to my understanding of farming’s challenges.
The mission to provide healthy food, compensating growers fairly, is something I wholeheartedly support and live by. Making food affordable to member-owners and the wider community is an aspect of the co-op I would like to see strengthened, along with educating families not currently participating in the Bloomingfoods world.
I see the primary role of Bloomingfoods in the community as a hub for healthy food options, a role that includes support to local growers, disseminating information about fair trade products, and educating the public about the importance of a sustainable environment for food production.
Bloomingfoods holds a special place in the hearts of many, but it has always had a hard time competing, price-wise, with big competitors like Kroger or WalMart. Creating warm spaces within its stores for shoppers to gather, eat, engage (music, poetry, gardening tips, etc) can strengthen Bloomingfoods’ community profile.
Although I like to eat healthy, I’m not a great cook. For this reason, having healthy options from the deli is of huge importance to me and something I will continue to advocate for. I look forward to contributing in any ways I can to keep Bloomingfoods healthy and vibrant.