Our Co-op Thrives when Our Owner-Members and Community are Involved

Owner-Member holding a sign "I own it because co-ops support the local economy"

Summer Solstice was a couple of days ago. It’s a day that always fills me with thought.  It’s a turning point for the year; from growing daylight to growing darkness.  We move from a dynamic of expansion to one of contraction.  Here at the beginning of summer, the growth that started late this spring in Indiana is just coming into full speed.  And so, to me, the summer solstice is a dichotomy or contradiction. I am saddened to see the shortening daylight and the expansion of night, and I am enlivened by the deep green, the growing families of birds, deer, and turtles single-mindedly getting to their ponds or safe places to lay their eggs. 

This year has been like no other. COVID-19 has affected all of us to some degree, and I am blessed that my family has remained healthy. Now we see urgent demands for much-needed equality and systemic change. If we are feeling more uncomfortable these days, it is a sign of our relative privilege. Many people live with the injustice and discomfort their whole lives. In this time of turmoil, we can become unsure, frightened, and retreat. Or we can be brave, look into ourselves, learn, ask questions, have tough conversations, and work together to create a world that serves all of us.  

My heart is warmed by what I see happening all around.  Communities are acting in mutual aid to support one another during this pandemic and also taking advantage of this moment to create a more just and equitable society.  Although we have far to go and much work to do, I know together it can be done.

The Bloomingfoods Ends Statement reflects this sentiment. The board, management, and our amazing staff use the Statement as a guide. It motivates us to improve access to local, organic food and to support our vendors, growers, and every person in our community. 

The Ends Statement makes Bloomingfoods more than just three grocery stores and much more than just a food co-op because it reflects the fact that our community of owner-members wants to make sure Bloomingfoods serves everyone in our population.  Through the cooperative model, we demonstrate what can be possible when people work together.

As a co-op, we are only as good as the involvement of our owner/members and our community, so I invite you to become more involved.  You could run for the board during our election or join a committee. Our monthly board meetings are open to owner/members and your feedback and questions are welcome.  Together we can keep creating a community and co-op that looks to support one another and be a place of equality.


Because of BCS, people in Bloomington and South Central Indiana will have...

  • A market for local, fair and healthful products, produced with care for the land, animals, and future generations.

  • A democratic cooperative-ownership model that provides meaningful employment and strengthens the community.

  • A robust and sustainable local food economy with fair prices for producers and all owner-members.

  • Access to education on food systems, cooperative values, and the interconnectedness of food, health, and the environment.

Corbin Baird
Board of Directors
