Even More New Fair Trade Products at Our East Store!

Ganesh Himal Trading - New Fair Trade Product at Our East Store!

East Store Assistant Manager Dave holds new fair trade items

We are continuing to bring in more Fair Trade items, and we have a new vendor we are very excited about – Ganesh Himal Trading out of Spokane Washington! They been working with marginalized women and Tibetan refugees in Nepal since 1984. As a member of the Fair-Trade Federation, they ensure living wages, good working conditions, and adhere to all the fair-trade principles.

Ganesh Himal Trading formed the non-profit Conscious Connections Foundation to facilitate the advancement of marginalized individuals in Nepal by promoting access to education, healthcare, skills development, and facilities improvement so they can create strong, vibrant, economically viable communities and to educate North Americans on their ability to positively impact these individuals lives with direct donations.

It is uncommon for rural girls to receive an education and Ganesh Himal Trading is committed to providing scholarships for all girls within their artisan groups.

Around the East Store you will find such items as felted wool dryer balls, trivets, pot holders and oven mitts, traditional Tibetan incense (including rope incense), among other things.

Come check out their beautiful products and support Fair Trade!

Learn more about other Fair Trade products we carry!