SNAP Double Dollars Program Update - A Message from the Board of Directors

SNAP Double Dollars Program Progress

Dear Bloomingfoods Owner-Members,

I want to report to you about Bloomingfoods' SNAP Double Dollars Program that started in January, allowing the SNAP participants among our shoppers to have a fifty percent discount on food. We are excited and encouraged by the success of the program so far!

You no doubt have seen it in other Bloomingfoods communications, but I want to take this opportunity to clarify how it came about and how it fits into the overall mission of the co-op. Our belief, as written in our Ends, is that we can be “A market for local, fair, and healthful products” that offers “fair prices for producers and all owner-members.” While economic pressures have caused all prices to go up, we make every effort to provide relief to those who are most affected, particularly those eligible for federal SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits.

In the fall of 2022, an ad hoc committee of Bloomingfoods board members led by board president Isabelle Daellenbach with advisor Annie Eakin wrote and submitted a grant to the Indiana Department of Health. As approved, it provides $583,626.00 to allow SNAP shoppers to receive twice as much food in a “Double Dollars Program.” That means a shopper using SNAP can buy $50 worth of Bloomingfoods groceries for $25. Since January of 2024, this program has served 419 individuals for $132,468.17 in total doubling. An added feature is the Nutrition Made Easy with Bloomingfoods series of classes for adults and children led by Anitra Higgins.

We’re thrilled that this program is allowing shoppers to stretch their dollars at Bloomingfoods, as we understand that sustainably-produced, nutrient-dense food can be, by nature, more expensive than conventional alternatives. The positive feedback we’ve gotten from shoppers demonstrates the importance of this program. To continue the SNAP Double Dollars program beyond the initial funding, the board plans to research future grants and a possible donation procedure. If you have any suggestions or connections for sustaining funds, please reach out to the board at

Since 2017 we have had a discount program for owner-members who receive SNAP and/or WIC, called Bloomingfoods For All, which initially offered 10% off all SNAP-eligible items and allows the owner equity payment to be paid in $3.50 increments over 2 years. Bloomingfoods For All was partially funded by the Positive Change Round Up in October of 2021, which was chosen by the Bloomingfoods leadership team, and allowed the discount to be increased to 20% off all SNAP-eligible items. Thank you for rounding up your total at the register for this program! For more information about Bloomingfoods for All, please visit our website at

We are a local community with Bloomingfoods at its heart. We take care of each other in every way we can and welcome all suggestions and ideas for the future.

Thank you for your participation in this cooperative adventure!

Nancy Mathews

Bloomingfoods Board of Directors