Bloomingfoods Endorses the Energy Innovation and Climate Dividend Act (EICDA)

Hello Bloomingfoods Owner-Members,

I hope everyone is staying warm and safe during these winter months.  

Although it’s been snowy this week, which used to be the norm in February, it does seem like the seasons are less predictable.  So, when the Bloomingfoods Board of Directors was asked if we would endorse the Energy Innovation and Climate Dividend Act (EICDA) promoted by Citizens’ Climate Lobby, we wanted to learn more.  In January, Lee Ehman and Jeff White, both members of the Lobby and Bloomingfoods, joined the education section of our board meeting.

The EIDCA (aka H.R.763) is a federal proposal with bi-partisan support to reduce carbon emissions by placing a predictable, steadily rising fee on carbon when it’s extracted from the earth.  The revenue generated from these fees minus administrative costs (2% cap) will be returned to households as a monthly energy dividend.  For more details visit -

The Bloomingfoods Board and the General Managers voted unanimously to endorse the EICDA for many reasons, but especially because it directly supported our Ends Statement (Mission) and the Seven Cooperative Principles ( which guide our decisions.  Ideally, Bloomingfoods endorsement, as a significant local business, encourages our Congresspeople to consider and hopefully support the EICDA in Washington.

Cooperative principle number 7 – Concern for Community – jumps to my mind.  In the transition from highly polluting carbon energy to more innovative carbon neutral options, energy costs have potential to increase.  To offset the increase, the carbon fees are redistributed (less 2% admin costs) to households, based on the number of adults and children.  It’s expected that low-income households, which are generally more conservative in energy spending may come out ahead, while middle class households will break even, and wealthier households (often the largest consumers) may have to pay a little more. 

Additionally, reducing greenhouse gases from carbon emissions will lead to cleaner air and improved health benefits.  If you read about larger cities significantly reducing pollution at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to less vehicle emissions, think about this as a permanent reality as we implement greener technologies.  With the carbon fee increasing each year, larger corporations will be inspired to quickly change their practices because it’s better for their profits.   

Specific to Bloomingfoods’ Ends Statement, the EIDCA addresses our commitment to “A market for local, fair and healthful products, produced with care for the land, animals, and future generations.”  Although some exemptions are included for farms, the EICDA would reduce the dependance on toxic petrochemicals in agribusiness, and likely significantly reduce health hazards for the farm laborers who are typically underpaid, overworked immigrants.  Reducing harmful runoff and farm emissions can also benefit other flora and fauna in the ecosystem.  For our local producers, especially those using organic methods, I envision the EICDA inspiring improved technologies and ultimately lower costs for season extension, water conservation, packaging, transportation and soil amendments, to name a few.  Additionally, the lack of increased flooding, droughts and other weather anomalies will allow farms to plan and produce more efficiently with fewer losses. 

Endorsing the EICDA, designed to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the US by 2050, is beneficial for our community, our country, and our planet.  No transition is seamless, but the sooner we effectively address climate change, the sooner we begin restoring the health of our planet and all its people.  You can also support this Act.  From the Citizens Climate Lobby homepage (above), click on the ‘write a letter’ button.  When you enter your address, a sample letter appears.  Business, Organizations, and ‘prominent’ individuals can endorse the EICDA at  

In cooperation,

Bobbi Boos

Bloomingfoods Board President

Bobbi Board Photo