Grocery Shopping in the Time of Coronavirus

Customer getting a bag of coffee from the shelf

As coronavirus spreads globally and across the US, Bloomingfoods wants to ask our community to move through this uncharted territory with us and each other as respectfully and safely as possible. Grocery shopping is necessary and to help prevent the spread of the virus, we are asking you to help us by following the below advice:

  1. Shop only when you need and for what you need.

    Limiting your exposure not only keeps you safe but it keeps our staff and other shoppers safe too. During this difficult time it’s hard to not panic but please keep your neighbors in mind, meaning don’t over buy, be kind to one another, and limit your grocery trips to once a week.

  2. Come with a list and be flexible.

    Meal planning and list making can help cut costs but it’s also important to be flexible during this time due to any out of stock items. Trying a new alternative for your meals is a great way to exercise this flexibility too. Check out some of our favorite recipes on our website here.

  3. Unable to prepare your meals?

    Be sure to check out our deli section! Since the temporary closure of our hot/cold bars, our dedicated deli teams have been hard at work preparing delicious, pre-made meals located in our grab and go section and our made-to-order deli menus are still available too.

  4. Be prepared for out of stock items.

    We are doing the best we can to keep our shelves stocked and ready for you but as we have seen, panic-buying and shipping has hit most, if not all retailers hard. One more reason to buy what you need and be flexible where you are able to be.

  5. Shop alone if you can.

    Limiting the amount of folks in our doors keeps all of us safe. If you are able to please come in to shop alone, maybe family members wait in the car while you shop or you shop for a few friends or family to help out. Help take care of each other!

  6. Practice social distancing in and out of the stores.

    The suggested social distance is 6 feet away from those around you. Our stores are small enough that this can be a bit of a challenge but this is an important part of prevention. Keep your distance but still say hi or smile to your neighbors, we are in this together, even at 6 feet apart! We have marked x’s on the ground at the cash registers to serve as a reminder of this space for times when there is a queue.

  7. Enjoy the opportunity to cook something new and support a local vendor.

    While staying home can be frustrating and scary, it can also be a wonderful time to try some new things! How about a new recipe? How about supporting a new local vendor? We’re all in this together.

  8. Be safe, mindful, and please stay at home!

A few safety updates from our team to further limit the spread of COVID-19:

bulk food section at west store
    1. We are temporarily halting the acceptance of any returns to protect staff and other customers.

    2. To avoid outside contamination, we are asking shoppers to no longer use outside containers -- including reusable grocery bags and bulk containers