Update - December 30th, 2020

Dear Bloomingfoods,

On Tuesday, December 29th, we were notified that an employee at our East store tested positive for COVID-19. We are grateful that they are in good condition.

Since first reporting symptoms, that employee has been quarantining while awaiting test results. Moving forward we’ll continue to follow the quarantining guidelines set forth by the CDC and the Monroe County Health Department.

All staff who were in close contact (as defined by the CDC and the Monroe County Health Department) with the employee who tested positive have been notified and will be required to quarantine per the guidelines of the CDC and the Monroe County Health Department.

We have been in contact with the Monroe County Health Department to ensure we’re taking all the appropriate steps to keep everyone safe. At this time, the health department is not recommending any additional staff or shoppers get tested or self-quarantine in response to this one positive case.

Bloomingfoods emphasizes thorough, regular cleaning and sanitization procedures. We also require everyone (i.e. staff, customers, and vendors) that visits our stores to wear proper face coverings that shield one’s mouth and nose. If you forget to bring a mask, we have them available for sale at our registers. 

Additionally, we now offer a convenient online shopping / curbside pickup solution. Search for ‘Bloomingfoods’ in the Apple or Android app stores (available for phones and tablets). You can also shop online via bfoods2u.com

We are committed to maintaining an environment that is safe for our staff, customers, and owner-members. As a reminder, here are some ways we can all help each other remain safe: 

  • Stay home when you’re feeling sick

  • Get tested immediately if you are displaying symptoms

  • Wear a proper face covering / mask in public

  • Try to maintain 6 feet of social distance

  • Wash hands often for at least 20 seconds

  • Target non-peak hours (8am - 10am and 7pm - 10pm)

Thank you for your continued support and patience.