Egg prices are rising, both in Indiana and nationally, as farmers have been forced to cull hens due to avian influenza, also known as bird flu. The U.S. Department of Agriculture report from Feb. 28 said in the Midwest production region, wholesale production for large, white sell eggs was averaging at $8.30 per dozen.
But local egg producers in south-central Indiana, as well as some Bloomington grocers, say the price of eggs from area farms haven't gone up that much. A dozen eggs at area farmers' markets, farm stops and local coop grocers ranged from about $4.30 to $7 for a dozen white eggs.
Eggs from local producers are less expensive
Phil Phillipy, general manager at Bloomingfoods, said the wholesale cost of eggs provided by area farmers have gone up about 25 cents, with eggs from Rhodes Family Farms costing $4.29 a dozen on Feb. 27. Bloomingfoods has two regular local producers: Rhodes Family Farm and Organic Acres.
"The cost increased for us because the cost of chicks went up," Phillipy explained.
Bloomingfoods sells more Rhodes farm eggs, Phillipy said, adding the coop grocery tries to keep the price on local eggs "attractive," especially for its members.
Phillipy said just as during the pandemic, it seems area farmers are "more resilient" in dealing with avian flu. While the more conventional egg producers are having to cull large numbers of hens, resulting in significantly fewer eggs, that's not true for the smaller farms.
"We haven't seen an increase (in egg prices) yet, but I suspect that we will," Phillipy said, adding the increase will be for non-local eggs sold at Bloomingfoods and elsewhere. Saying people shouldn't "believe the hype," he also suspects some people have begun purchasing more eggs than necessary because they fear shortages.
Even in winter, egg production is good on area farms
Luke Rhodes of Rhodes Family Farm in Greene County said his farms' production of eggs has been very good so far this winter — a time when chickens lay fewer eggs. "It's better production than we normally do in the winter, so we've been blessed with that."
Rhodes, who has been farming for the past 20 years, provided eggs, milk and meat until last year. Now he sells eggs to Bloomingfoods as well as World Foods Market, FARMbloomington, Osteria Rago, Village Deli and One World Enterprise. He has six farmers in southern Indiana producing eggs for him. In all, there are about 3,000 hens with all the flocks living in free-range conditions.
"I monitor everything that goes on," Rhodes said. In the winter the chickens are indoors more often, but even so, they are free-range, he said.
Avian influenza has spread worldwide and even with the current variant, Rhodes said his chickens have never been affected. "I've never lost birds to the avian flu. The way our chickens are housed, in a free-range setting, I feel they are less stressed."