Sycamore Land Trust Provides Environmental Education

Sycamore Land Trust was our Positive Change recipient in September. It is with much thanks to our customers who rounded up last month that we are able to present them with $10,773.56!

Sycamore Land Trust has been protecting land, restoring habitat, and connecting people to nature in southern Indiana since 1990. They protect 10,070 acres and counting.

Sycamore protects land by owning and caring for nature preserves, and by holding conservation easements that protect privately owned properties. They acquire land through donations, purchases, and bargain sales (partial donations). Stewardship of their nature preserves includes restoration projects to improve natural habitat, and building and maintaining trails for free public use.

As of August 2020, Sycamore has protected 117 properties totaling 10,070 acres in southern Indiana.

Sycamore operates an Environmental Education Program that connects people of all ages to nature, including more than 6,800 people in 2018. They plan to use some of the money raised to continue their education program, as well as support their conservation and habitat restoration work.

Sycamore’s Communication Director Abby Henkel was thrilled to receive notice of this donation saying, “Thank you for that wonderful news! It's absolutely incredible. Our community is so generous! We are so thrilled to be a recipient of Positive Change this year and to continue our partnership with Bloomingfoods.”

To learn more about Sycamore Land Trust and their Environmental Education Program, visit their website at: