September Board Update


September is flying past us and fall is officially here. 2020 has been like no other and I am proud to say that Bloomingfoods has not just weathered the storms to date but has thrived. When the evidence of the effects of COVID-19 presented itself in March our leadership team moved quickly and effectively to protect staff, owner-members, and customers. To this date, we have had no staff members fall ill from COVID-19, and the quick and considered actions of the leadership team and staff have allowed everyone to stay safe and to shop in relative ease in these difficult times.

Hopefully, you have noticed that we have posted the information about our slate of board candidates for our 2020 election. Taking part in the election of board members is one of the most important aspects of owner-membership of the co-op. The slate of candidates this year is very strong. Each having experience and skill sets that will serve the co-op well in the years to come.

October is always the time for our annual meeting and this year is no different. As is now becoming common we will hold the meeting virtually on October 8th at 7pm. As time draws closer we will be publishing the details so you can attend this year's meeting from the comfort and safety of your own home. This past year finds Bloomingfoods healthy, prosperous and able to manage the difficulties that COVID-19 has presented to co-ops across the nation. We have exciting news to share with you and we look forward to hearing from you all.

Corbin Baird
Board of Directors