Response to Social Injustices: Starting the Dialogue



As a co-op, Bloomingfoods has a commitment to the cooperative values of equality, equity, and solidarity. We also believe in our 7 Cooperative Principles, which includes ‘Concern for Community’. Along with so many others, we want to share our collective voice and support for the Black community. Social injustice and racism continue to fester in towns across the country, including our own. This has gone on for far too long. We stand by our commitment to our values and principles. We stand with our community. We recognize that we’re not perfect individually or collectively, but we must continue to do more towards the fulfillment of our values and principles. We also recognize that we don’t have all the answers. We have started and will continue to reach out to various Black leaders, partners, and organizations within our community with the aim of listening, learning, and identifying ways we can provide support. We are also committed to providing diversity and inclusion training for our staff. We will share more details about additional ways we intend to provide support as they become solidified. We’re also open to suggestions from our community. 

This post will serve as a resource for our community to become further educated on racism and social injustice. This is a live page that will continue to be modified over time. 

What Can YOU Do to be Allies of the Black Community?

  • Educate yourself. Read books and articles, watch movies and documentaries, and listen to Black and Brown people to hear their stories to better understand what racism is, it’s effects, and how you can help dismantle it. Check out the resources below for steps you can take to improve racial justice and equality in the Black community.

  • When you hear or see injustice or racism occurring, ask your friends of color how they’re doing? Just that question goes further than you know.

  • Donate or volunteer for an organization led by people of color that is committed to advancing social change in Black and Brown communities. Some examples below.




Coretta Scott King Book Award Winners: books for children and young adults

31 Children's books to support conversations on race, racism and resistance


PBS’s Teaching Your Child About Black History Month

Food and Land Justice for Black Americans

Local Links: 

Minority & Women Owned Business in Bloomington

Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center

Where to donate:

Black Lives Matter - Bloomington

American Civil Liberties Union

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund

And so many more! Please reach out if you would like to share more resources for us to post to this list.